AMG Attendance System Online consists of the following menus and menu items:
Attendance Contains all the information about employees attendance, schedules, transactions, multiple miscellaneous entries and benefits. Also allows to add, edit and delete actions, assign employees a schedule, approve and disapprove timecards and some other functions related to attendance. |
Scheduling Allows to view, assign and edit all employees' schedule simultaneously. |
Punch Analysis Allows to view the comparison of scheduled and actual IN, OUT, LUNCH and BREAK punches.. |
Status Board Opens the list of all employees and displays their status (working, absent, out, lunch, break). |
Reports Opens the Reports Wizard which contains the list of all reports and guides the user through the process of generating them. |
Forecasting Allows to view the forecasted hours and wage of employees for any period of time. |
Payroll Allows to generate payroll reports, which are to be exported and then used by 3rd party payroll softwares. |
Organization Allows to enter information about Organization's headquarters, divisions, groups, departments, jobs, and locations. |
Categories Allows to add and delete categories and configure their settings. |
Pay Policies Allows to add, delete and edit pay policies, which include general information about pay period, holidays, overtime and exceptions. |
Holidays Allows to add, delete and edit holiday groups, which include the list of holiday days, and also assign these holiday groups to employees. |
Shifts Allows to add, delete and edit shift groups and individual shifts within groups, which include information about shift's start, stop and cuttoff time and lunch/break duration. It also allows to configure settings of In/Out, Lunch. Break and Outside rounding templates which are included in the shift groups. |
Employees Allows to add, delete and edit information about organization's employees. |
Wages Allows to assign wages to employees . |
Benefits Allows to add to or subtract from emloyees' benefit hours. Also, for Enterprise users, allows to configure benefit accrual rules. |
Configure Devices Allows to configure the settings of the devices connected to the system. |
Bell Schedules Allows to create and configure schedules (day, time, duration) for the clocks to ring a bell. |
Messages Allows to assign to employees a message, which will appear on the device(s) screen when they are punching in/out with the help of the device. |
Poll Allows to receive information from the device(s) log files. |
Web Clock Imitates the performance of the real device and allows to perform the same actions that are possible to perform by the device. |
Wrong Transactions Allows to assign wrong badges, wrong departments and wrong jobs to correct ones. |
Badge Repository Allows to combine all badges from all devices into one table, and easily add and remove badges to and from devices. |
Bulk Transactions Allows to commit any transaction, including miscellaneous entries, for more than one employee simultaneously. |
Reprocess Allows to reprocess the transactions starting from any custom date defined by the user. |
Auto Process Allows to create processes which are being executed automatically on the predefined day and time. Possible processes are Polling, and Generating and Sending Report (Information about the auto processes is being stored locally on the user's PC).
Import Employees Allows to import employees from a .CSV or .TXT file. |
General Settings Allows to set general settings of the program (background color/image, default values of program's key elements, alarms) and enable or disable some of the program's functions. |
Users Allows to create new roles and new users, configure their settings (usernames and passwords, permissions, status, interface language) and delete them. |
Backup/Restore Allows to backup and restore the database. |
Purge Database Allows to purge database. |
Messaging Allows to send and receive messages to and from employees and users. |
Time Off Requests Allows to approve or deny time off requests of employees. |
Help Opens the Help section of the system. |
Config. Wizard Opens the system's Configuration Wizard which helps first-time users to configure system's main settings and enter data quickly and easily by giving detailed instructions and showing the right order of configuring. |
Time Conversions Opens a time conversion table representing how to convert hours from 12 Hours format to 24 Hours format and converting minutes to decimal numbers. |
Live Support Opens the online AMG System Support page, from where you can start chatting with the support team and ask your questions. |
License Information Shows licence information and package description of the company. |
AMG Attendance System Online has also a Status Bar, which contains the following information:
- Did you know? - displays some relevant news and announcements from AMG Time blog
- Late Lunches - displays employees who are late for lunch at the time of viewing (appears only if "No Lunch, Short Lunch, Late Lunch" module is enabled)
- Alerts - displays the quantity of alerts (by clicking on it, is being opened Alerts page)
- Messages - displays the quantity of new received messages (by clicking on it, is being opened Messaging page)
- Time Off Requests - displays the quantity of pending requests (by clicking on it, is being opened Time Off Requests page)
Note: |
In case of limited permissions it may happen that some of the above-described menus, submenus and functions will not be available. For any question related to permissions, please contact your system administrator. |