Assign Time Zones

To assign employee access time zone(s) you should do the following:

  1. From the Choose Device combo box select the device to which you want to grant or restrict access.
  2. After choosing the device, in the Available Badgestable you will see all the badges of that device. The list of the badges can be filtered by some criteria (Click here to see how to filter badges).
  3. In the Available Badges table edit the badge(s) whom you want to assign a time zone. As a result will be opened Assign Time Restriction window. There will be Badges and Employees text box, where will be displayed badge number and name of selected employee. There will be 3 Access Time Zone combo boxes.
  4. From Access Time Zone combo box(es) select the time zone(s) which should be assigned to the employee. If you don't want to assign any Time Zone, select None option.