Here is the list of reports included in the Information category of reports:
This is a report about the users of the software. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Users table check all the users who should be included in the report. (Note that in the table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking or unchecking all users of the page simultaneously, you can use the check box in the Check column header. For checking all (filtered) users of all pages you should select All Filtered check box.)
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Generate button.
Note: |
To view in the Users table also inactive users, make sure the Active check box is not selected. |
This report contains information about the organization's headquarters. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Headquarters table check all the headquarters which should be included in the report. (Note that in the table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking or unchecking all headquarters of the page simultaneously, you can use the check box in the Check column header. For checking all (filtered) headquarters of all pages you should select All Filtered check box.)
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Generate button.
Note: |
To view in the Headquarters table also inactive headquarters, make sure the Active check box is not selected. |
This report contains information about the organization's divisions. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Divisions table check all the divisions which should be included in the report. (Note that in the table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking or unchecking all divisions of the page simultaneously, you can use the check box in the Check column header. For checking all (filtered) divisions of all pages you should select All Filtered check box.)
- Choose to order the divisions in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Generate button.
Note: |
To view in the Divisions table also inactive divisions, make sure the Active check box is not selected. |
This report contains information about the organization's groups. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Groups table check all the groups which should be included in the report. (Note that in the table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking or unchecking all groups of the page simultaneously, you can use the check box in the Check column header. For checking all (filtered) groups of all pages you should select All Filtered check box.)
- Choose to order the groups in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Generate button.
Note: |
To view in the Groups table also inactive groups, make sure the Active check box is not selected. |
This report contains information about the organization's departments. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Departments table check all the departments which should be included in the report. (Note that in the table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking or unchecking all departments of the page simultaneously, you can use the check box in the Check column header. For checking all (filtered) departments of all pages you should select All Filtered check box.)
- Choose to order the departments in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Generate button.
Note: |
To view in the Departments table also inactive departments, make sure the Active check box is not selected. |
This report contains information about the organization's jobs. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Jobs table check all the jobs which should be included in the report. (Note that in the table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking or unchecking all jobsof the page simultaneously, you can use the check box in the Check column header. For checking all (filtered) jobs of all pages you should select All Filtered check box.)
- Choose to order the jobs in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Generate button.
Note: |
To view in the Jobs table also inactive jobs, make sure the Active check box is not selected. |
This report contains information about the program's categories. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Categories table check all the categories which should be included in the report. (Note that in the table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking or unchecking all categories of the page simultaneously, you can use the check box in the Check column header. For checking all (filtered) categories of all pages you should select All Filtered check box.)
- Choose to order the categories in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Generate button.
Note: |
To view in the Categories table also inactive categories, make sure the Active check box is not selected. |
This report contains information about the organization's pay policies. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Pay Policies table check all the pay policies which should be included in the report. (Note that in the table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking or unchecking all pay policies of the page simultaneously, you can use the check box in the Check column header. For checking all (filtered) pay policies of all pages you should select All Filtered check box.)
- Choose to order pay policies in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Generate button.
Note: |
To view in the Pay Policies table also inactive pay policies, make sure the Active check box is not selected. |
This report contains information about the organization's shifts. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Shifts table check all the shifts which should be included in the report. (Note that in the table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking or unchecking all shifts of the page simultaneously, you can use the check box in the Check column header. For checking all (filtered) shifts of all pages you should select All Filtered check box.)
- Choose to order the shifts in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Generate button.
Note: |
To view in the Shifts table also inactive shifts, make sure the Active check box is not selected. |
This report contains information about the holidays. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Holidays table check all the holiday groups which should be included in the report. (Note that in the table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking or unchecking all holiday of the page simultaneously, you can use the check box in the Check column header. For checking all (filtered) holidays of all pages you should select All Filtered check box.)
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Generate button.
Note: |
To view in the Holidays table also inactive holiday groups, make sure the Active check box is not selected. |
This report contains information about the employees. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Employees table check all the employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking or unchecking all employees of the page simultaneously, you can use the check box in the Check column header. For checking all (filtered) employees of all pages you should select All Filtered check box.)
- Choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the report. To do this, click on
buttons, select the headquarters, divisions and groups you need and click on the Refresh button.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Generate button.
Note: |
To view in the Employees table also inactive employees, make sure the Active check box is not selected. |
This report contains information about the connected devices. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Devices table check all the devices which should be included in the report. (Note that in the table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking or unchecking all devices of the page simultaneously, you can use the check box in the Check column header. For checking all (filtered) devices of all pages you should select All Filtered check box.)
- Choose to order the devices in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Generate button.
Note: |
To view in the Devices table also inactive devices, make sure the Active check box is not selected. |
This report contains information about the bell schedules. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Bell Schedules table check all the bell schedules which should be included in the report. (Note that in the table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking or unchecking all bell schedules of the page simultaneously, you can use the check box in the Check column header. For checking all (filtered) bell schedules of all pages you should select All Filtered check box.)
- Choose to order the bell schedules in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Generate button.
Note: |
To view in the Bell Schedules table also inactive bell schedules, make sure the Active check box is not selected. |
This report contains information about users' login and logout times. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Select Time Period box enter the Start and End date and time of the period for which you want to generate a report. To enter the date and time you should first select the check boxes in the text boxes.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Generate button.
Note: |
If Start is not mentioned, then in the report will appear logs starting from the very first login into the system. If End is not mentioned, then in the report will appear logs till the very last login into the system. |
This report contains information about the holidays of employees. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Employees table check all the employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking or unchecking all employees of the page simultaneously, you can use the check box in the Check column header. For checking all (filtered) employees of all pages you should select All Filtered check box.)
- Choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the report. To do this, click on
buttons, select the headquarters, divisions and groups you need and click on the Refresh button.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Generate button.
Note: |
To view in the Employees table also inactive employees, make sure the Active check box is not selected. |
This report contains information about the device messages assigned to employees. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Employees table check all the employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking or unchecking all employees of the page simultaneously, you can use the check box in the Check column header. For checking all (filtered) employees of all pages you should select All Filtered check box.)
- Choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the report. To do this, click on
buttons, select the headquarters, divisions and groups you need and click on the Refresh button.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Generate button.
Note: |
To view in the Employees table also inactive employees, make sure the Active check box is not selected. |
This report contains information about the wages of employees. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Employees table check all the employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking or unchecking all employees of the page simultaneously, you can use the check box in the Check column header. For checking all (filtered) employees of all pages you should select All Filtered check box.)
- Choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the report. To do this, click on
buttons, select the headquarters, divisions and groups you need and click on the Refresh button.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Generate button.
Note: |
To view in the Employees table also inactive employees, make sure the Active check box is not selected. |
This report contains information about the program's general settings. To generate this report no special configuration is needed. Only if you want to send it by e-mail, you should do the following:
- Select E-mail Report check box
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Generate button.
This report contains information about employee's badges. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Employees table check all the employees who should be included in the report. ((Note that in the table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking or unchecking all employees of the page simultaneously, you can use the check box in the Check column header. For checking all (filtered) employees of all pages you should select All Filtered check box.)
- Choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the report. To do this, click on
buttons, select the headquarters, divisions and groups you need and click on the OK button.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Generate button.
Note: |
To view in the Employees table also inactive employees, make sure the Active check box is not selected. |
This report contains information about employee's badges and displays those data in one line. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Employees table check all the employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking or unchecking all employees of the page simultaneously, you can use the check box in the Check column header. For checking all (filtered) employees of all pages you should select All Filtered check box.)
- Choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the report. To do this, click on
buttons, select the headquarters, divisions and groups you need and click on the OK button.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Generate button.
Note: |
To view in the Employees table also inactive employees, make sure the Active check box is not selected. |
This report contains information about benefit accrual rules. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Benefit Accrual Rules table check all the rules which should be included in the report. (Note that in the table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking or unchecking all benefit accrual rules of the page simultaneously, you can use the check box in the Check column header. For checking all (filtered) benefit accrual rules of all pages you should select All Filtered check box.)
- Choose to order the rules in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Generate button.
Note: |
To view in the Benefit Accrual Rules table also inactive rules, make sure the Active check box is not selected. |
This report contains information about system's auto processes. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Auto Processes table check all the processes which should be included in the report. (Note that in the table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking or unchecking all processes of the page simultaneously, you can use the check box in the Check column header. For checking all (filtered) processes of all pages you should select All Filtered check box.)
- Choose to order the auto processes in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Generate button.
Note: |
To view in the Auto Processes table also inactive processes, make sure the Active check box is not selected. |
This report contains information about attendance codes. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Attendance Codes table check all the codes which should be included in the report. (Note that in the table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking or unchecking all codes of the page simultaneously, you can use the check box in the Check column header. For checking all (filtered) codes of all pages you should select All Filtered check box.)
- Choose to order the attendance codes in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Generate button.
Note: |
To view in the Attendance Codes table also inactive codes, make sure the Active check box is not selected. |
This report contains information about In/Out roundings. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the In/Out Roundings table check all the rounding rules which should be included in the report. (Note that in the table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking or unchecking all in/out rounding rules of the page simultaneously, you can use the check box in the Check column header. For checking all (filtered) in/out rounding rules of all pages you should select All Filtered check box.)
- Choose to order the in/out rounding rules in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Generate button.
Note: |
To view in the In/Out Roundings table also inactive rounding rules, make sure the Active check box is not selected. |
This report contains information about Outside roundings. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Outside Roundings table check all the roundgin rules which should be included in the report. (Note that in the table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking or unchecking all outside rounding rules of the page simultaneously, you can use the check box in the Check column header. For checking all (filtered) outside rounding rules of all pages you should select All Filtered check box.)
- Choose to order the outside rounding rules in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Generate button.
Note: |
To view in the Outside Roundings table also inactive rounding rules, make sure the Active check box is not selected. |
This report contains information about Lunch/Break roundings. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Lunch/Break Roundings table check all the rounding rules which should be included in the report. (Note that in the table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking or unchecking all lunch/break rounding rules of the page simultaneously, you can use the check box in the Check column header. For checking all (filtered) lunch/break rounding rules of all pages you should select All Filtered check box.)
- Choose to order the lunch/break rounding rules in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Generate button.
Note: |
To view in the Lunch/Break Roundings table also inactive rounding rules, make sure the Active check box is not selected. |
This report contains information about Roles. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Roles table check all the roles which should be included in the report. (Note that in the table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking or unchecking all roles of the page simultaneously, you can use the check box in the Check column header. For checking all (filtered) roles of all pages you should select All Filtered check box.)
- Choose to order the roles in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Generate button.
Note: |
To view in the Roles table also inactive roles, make sure the Active check box is not selected. |
This report contains information about Locations. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Locations table check all the locations which should be included in the report. (Note that in the table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking or unchecking all locations of the page simultaneously, you can use the check box in the Check column header. For checking all (filtered) roles of all pages you should select All Filtered check box.)
- Choose to order the locations in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Generate button.
Note: |
To view in the Locations table also inactive locations, make sure the Active check box is not selected. |
This report displays employees statuses grouped by status reasons. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Employees table check all the employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking or unchecking all employees of the page simultaneously, you can use the check box in the Check column header. For checking all (filtered) employees of all pages you should select All Filtered check box.)
- Choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the report. To do this, click on
buttons, select the headquarters, divisions and groups you need and click on the OK button.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Next button.
- On the second step in the Reasons table check all the reasons which should be included in the report. (Note that in the table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking or unchecking all reasons of the page simultaneously, you can use the check box in the Check column header. For checking all (filtered) reasons of all pages you should select All Filtered check box.)
- In the Select Time Period box enter the Start and End dates of the period for which you want to generate a report. To enter the dates you should first select the check boxes in the corresponding text boxes.
- Click on the Generate button.
Note: |
To view in the Employee Status table also inactive employees, make sure the Active check box is not selected. |