

Scheduling page is intended to show the weekly schedule of employees and gives possibility to assign a schedule.

Click here to view the Scheduling page.

On the left part of the page you can filter employees, whose schedule you want to view. For filtering you should do the following: in the Employees list (on the left part of the window) check all those employees whose schedule you want to view.
Before checking employees, you can filter them by status, working time and employment type. Also you can choose those groups, divisions and headquarters, employees of which should be included in the list. To do this, click on  buttons and select the groups, divisions, and headquarters you need.

After checking all needed employees, you should click on the Refresh button located next to Group By combo box. As a result in the main table of the page will be displayed the schedule of all checked employees (for one week) .

By default is displayed the schedule of current week, but you also have a possibility to view the schedules of both past and upcoming weeks. To view the schedule of any day you need to enter the date into the Date field and click on the Refresh button. As a result in the table will be displayed the week of the entered date.
You can also navigate to previous or next weeks by clicking on PREVIOUS  and NEXT  buttons (below the table), respectively.
Here you have a possibility also to group employees. For that you should select from the Group By combo box how you want to group employees and click on the Refresh button.

To reset the selected group and/or to return to the current week, you should click on the Reset button.

In the table where schedule is displayed, every day is represented as a separate cell on which is displayed employee's schedule (if there is any assigned). If the cell is blank, then no schedule is assigned for that date.

Here you can also assign or edit already assigned schedule.

In this page you can also generate report on employee's schedule. For that you should just click on the Report button.