
A Category defines how the time of the employee's time was spent. For example, the Lunch category means that period of time was spent on lunch, Vacation means the employee was on vacation, and Worked time is when the employee was actively working.

The AMG Attendance System includes 16 default Categories which can't be deleted or set to inactive.

The Categories page is intended to view the lists of all existing categories and allows you edit or delete them as well as add new categories.

Click here to view the Categories page.

The main part of the page is the list of categories. The list can be sorted by any column both ascending and descending, by clicking on the desired sort Column title. The list has other properties that can be altered: the columns can be hidden or displayed, the order of the columns can be changed, and the list of categories can be filtered by some criteria. (Click here to see the description of these properties.)


To generate a report of the available categories, click on the Report button. The generated report will display only the categories in the filtered list.