

Here you can find any attendance related information about the employees. On the right side of the Attendance page is displayed the list of all employees. Here you have a possibility to filter employees according to your needs. To filter the list of employees you should open Filter Conditions panel (if closed), enter or select the criteria by which you want to filter and then click on the Refresh button. As a result of filtering, in the Employees table will be displayed only those employees who correspond to the entered and selected criteria. If no employee corresponds to criteria, then no record will be displayed in a table. To view all the employees or to start over the filtering you should click on the Reset button.

  • When filtering, if you don't remember the whole Code, Badge or Name of the employee, you can enter a single letter or number which can be either at the beginning or in the middle or at the end of the Code, Badge or Name.
  • You can simultaneously filter by more than one criteria.

Here you also have a possibility to view in a separate window all the absences and missing punches. For that you should click on the Display Mispunches button situated under the list of the employees. This will result in opening a separate Mispunches pop-up window, where in the table are represented missing punches and absences (click here to see the detailed description of the Mispunches window).

Missing Lunches (included in a separate module available upon request)

For viewing missing lunches, you should click on the Display Missing Lunches button situated under the list of the employees. This will result in opening a separate Missing Lunches window, where in the table are represented when the employees have not punched for lunch - applicable only to lunches of 'Punched' type (click here to see the detailed description of the Missing Lunches window).


Besides the list of employees, which is constantly situated in the left part, Attendance page has also the following five Tabs, which are being displayed after selecting any employee:

   Timecard - to display the main information about employees attendance.
   Schedule - to assign schedules to emloyees.
   Transactions - to see the details about each transaction.
   Miscellaneous Entries - to see the details about each miscellaneous transaction.
   Benefits - to see the benefit balance for each category and details about each benefit amount.