Here is the list of reports included in the Attendance category of reports:
This report contains information about employees' attendance. To generate a report you should do the following:
- Select Scheduled Start/Stop check box, if you want to display in the report the scheduled start and stop times of employees.
- Select Add Category Summary check box, if you want to display in the report the summary of employees' worked hours by categories.
- Select Add Differential Summary check box, if you want to display in the report the summary of employees' worked hours by differentials.
- Select Add Daily Summary check box, if you want to display in the report the daily summary of employees' worked hours.
- If Add Daily Summary check box is selected, you can select Hide Daily Details check box in order not to show in the report details of daily transactions.
- Select Show only not scheduled attendance check box, if you want to display in the report attendance of employees for only not scheduled days.
- Select Show Attendance Codes check box, if you want to display in the report also attendance codes.
- Select Show Misc. Entry code check box, if you want to display in the report symbol 'N' next to those misc. entries, for which "Accrue towards overtime" option is not checked.
- Select Show Wage check box, if you want to display in the report earned wages.
- Select Show Gross Wage check box, if you want to display in the report the total of different wage types.
- Select Show changed transaction summary check box, if you want to show in the report manual adjustments done to transactions.
- Select Show benefit summary check box, if you want to display in the report the summary of benefit hours.
- Select whether you want to display in the report Money column, Daily Total column or none of them by selecting either Show Money, Show Daily Total or None options.
- Select New page per employee check box, if you want to display each employee's timecard from new page.
- Select Include employees with 0 hours check box, if you want to include in the report also employees who have totally worked 0 hours for the selected time period.
- If you want to include in the report also information about either Departments, Jobs or Divisions, then select in the Include In Reports box either Department, Job or Division radio buttons, otherwise left None radio button selected. If selecting to display also Departments, Jobs or Divisions, you can also decide to display summaries by departments, jobs or divisions by selecting Add Department Summary, Add Job Summary or Add Division Summary check boxes, respectively.
- To group employees by departments, jobs, groups, divisions or headquarters, select in the Group By box either Department, Job, Group, Division or Headquarters radio buttons respectively. Otherwise left None radio button selected.
- Select Each group from new page check box, if you want to start each group from new page.
- Select Add Group Summary check box, if you want to display for each group summary hours.
- Click on the Next button.
- On the second step, in the Employees list check all those employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the Employees table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking all (filtered) employees you should select All Filtered check box.) Before checking employees, you can filter them by status, working time and employment type. Also you can choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the list. Moreover, you can choose those departments and jobs, transactions associated to which should be included in the timecard. To do this, click on buttons, select the headquarters, divisions, groups, jobs and departments you need and click on the OK button.
- After selecting employees, click on the Next button.
- Select from the Select Time Period combo box time period for which you want to generate the report.
- If Custom time period is chosen, then enter start and end dates in the Start and End text boxes, respectively.
- If Pay Period time period is chosen, then choose the pay policy from Pay Policy combo box and enter how many pay periods you want to go back in the Pay Periods Back text box.
- If chosen pay period is biweekly, then next to Select Time Period combo box will appear Show weekly totals check box. Select it, if you want in the report to be displayed weekly hours totals.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- From Hours Format combo box select how you want to display hours in the report - in decimal format, in hh:mm format, or according to format set in general settings.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Next button.
- Enter into the Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field 4 and Field 5 fields the custom information, which you want to be displayed in the end of the report.
- Click on the Add to Widgets button, if you want this report to be added to widgets.
- Click on the Generate button.
This report contains information about employees' total hours worked, wages and total salary. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Show Optional Fields box select Include Category check box, if you want to show in the report also the distribution of hours and money between categories.
- From the Group By group box select how you want to group employees. If you don't want to group employees, select None option. Also select Each group from new page check box, if you want to start each group from new page.
- Click on the Next button.
- On the second step, in the Employees list check all those employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the Employees table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking all (filtered) employees you should select All Filtered check box.) Before checking employees, you can filter them by status, working time and employment type. Also you can choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the list. To do this, click on buttons, select the headquarters, divisions and groups you need and click on the OK button.
- After selecting employees, click on the Next button.
- Select from the Select Time Period combo box time period for which you want to generate the report.
- If Custom time period is chosen, then enter start and end dates in the Start and End text boxes, respectively.
- If Pay Period time period is chosen, then choose the pay policy from Pay Policy combo box and enter how many pay periods you want to go back in the Pay Periods Back text box.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- From Hours Format combo box select how you want to display hours in the report - in decimal format, in hh:mm format, or according to format set in general settings.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Enter into the Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field 4 and Field 5 fields the custom information, which you want to be displayed in the end of the report.
- Click on the Add to Widgets button, if you want this report to be added to widgets.
- Click on the Generate button.
This report contains information about employees' absences and missing punches. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Include in Report box select whether you want to generate report on missings, or absences, or both by selecting Missings, Absences or both check boxes, respectively.
- If you have selected Missings check box, then you can select also Show punch transactions check box, in case you want to display in the report also transactions times.
- From the Group By group box select how you want to group employees. If you don't want to group employees select None option. Also select Each group from new page check box, if you want to start each group from new page.
- In the Show optional fields group box select Show employeee summarycheck box, if you want to display in the report total amount of employees' missing punches/ absences.
- Also select Hide employee details check box, if you don't want to display in the report daily details of employees' missing punches/ absences.
- Click on the Next button.
- On the second step, in the Employees list check all those employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the Employees table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking all (filtered) employees you should select All Filtered check box.) Before checking employees, you can filter them by status, working time and employment type. Also you can choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the list. To do this, click on buttons, select the headquarters, divisions and groups you need and click on the OK button.
- After selecting employees, click on the Next button.
- Select from the Select Time Period combo box time period for which you want to generate the report.
- If Custom time period is chosen, then enter start and end dates in the Start and End text boxes, respectively.
- If Pay Period time period is chosen, then choose the pay policy from Pay Policy combo box and enter how many pay periods you want to go back in the Pay Periods Back text box.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Enter into the Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field 4 and Field 5 fields the custom information, which you want to be displayed in the end of the report.
- Click on the Add to Widgets button, if you want this report to be added to widgets.
- Click on the Generate button.
This report provides analysis of employees attendance in percentages. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Show Optional Fields box select whether you want to generate report including details of all transaction, or only total results in one line by selecting Detailed or One Line radio buttons, respectively.
- On the second step, in the Employees list check all those employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the Employees table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking all (filtered) employees you should select All Filtered check box.) Before checking employees, you can filter them by status, working time and employment type. Also you can choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the list. To do this, click on buttons, select the headquarters, divisions and groups you need and click on the OK button.
- After selecting employees, click on the Next button.
- Select from the Select Time Period combo box time period for which you want to generate the report.
- If Custom time period is chosen, then enter start and end dates in the Start and End text boxes, respectively.
- If Pay Period time period is chosen, then choose the pay policy from Pay Policy combo box and enter how many pay periods you want to go back in the Pay Periods Back text box.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by high results, or by low results by selecting either High results or Low results radio button, respectively.
- From Hours Format combo box select how you want to display hours in the report - in decimal format, in hh:mm format, or according to format set in general settings.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Enter into the Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field 4 and Field 5 fields the custom information, which you want to be displayed in the end of the report.
- Click on the Add to Widgets button, if you want this report to be added to widgets.
- Click on the Generate button.
This report contains information about employees' individual schedules. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Report Options group box select New page per employee check box, if you want to start each employee's schedule from new page.
- Click on the Next button.
- In the Employees list check all those employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the Employees table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking all (filtered) employees you should select All Filtered check box.) Before checking employees, you can filter them by status, working time and employment type. Also you can choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the list. To do this, click on buttons, select the headquarters, divisions and groups you need and click on the OK button.
- After selecting employees, click on the Next button.
- On the second step select from the Select Time Period combo box time period for which you want to generate the report.
- If Custom time period is chosen, then enter start and end dates in the Start and End text boxes, respectively.
- If Pay Period time period is chosen, then choose the pay policy from Pay Policy combo box and enter how many pay periods you want to go back in the Pay Periods Back text box.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Enter into the Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field 4 and Field 5 fields the custom information, which you want to be displayed in the end of the report.
- Click on the Add to Widgets button, if you want this report to be added to widgets.
- Click on the Generate button.
This report contains the list of employees' transactions. To generate a report you should do the following:
- From the Include In Report box select which type of transactions you want to include in the report: All, Manual(committed by the user from the program), Polled or Polled and Modified.
- Select Show transactions photos check box, if you want to include in the report also transactions photos, if any.
- In the Employees list check all those employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the Employees table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking all (filtered) employees you should select All Filtered check box.) Before checking employees, you can filter them by status, working time and employment type. Also you can choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the list. To do this, click on buttons, select the headquarters, divisions and groups you need and click on the OK button.
- After selecting employees, click on the Next button.
- In the Devices check all those devices transactions from which should be included in the report. (Note that in the Devices table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking all devices you should select All Filtered check box
- On the second step select from the Select Time Period combo box time period for which you want to generate the report.
- If Custom time period is chosen, then enter start and end dates in the Start and End text boxes, respectively.
- If Pay Period time period is chosen, then choose the pay policy from Pay Policy combo box and enter how many pay periods you want to go back in the Pay Periods Back text box.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- From Hours Format combo box select how you want to display hours in the report - in decimal format, in hh:mm format, or according to format set in general settings.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Enter into the Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field 4 and Field 5 fields the custom information, which you want to be displayed in the end of the report.
- Click on the Add to Widgets button, if you want this report to be added to widgets.
- Click on the Generate button.
This report contains the list of employees' miscellaneous entris. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Employees list check all those employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the Employees table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking all (filtered) employees you should select All Filtered check box.) Before checking employees, you can filter them by status, working time and employment type. Also you can choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the list. To do this, click on buttons, select the headquarters, divisions and groups you need and click on the OK button.
- After selecting employees, click on the Next button.
- On the second step select from the Select Time Period combo box time period for which you want to generate the report.
- If Custom time period is chosen, then enter start and end dates in the Start and End text boxes, respectively.
- If Pay Period time period is chosen, then choose the pay policy from Pay Policy combo box and enter how many pay periods you want to go back in the Pay Periods Back text box.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- From Hours Format combo box select how you want to display hours in the report - in decimal format, in hh:mm format, or according to format set in general settings.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Enter into the Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field 4 and Field 5 fields the custom information, which you want to be displayed in the end of the report.
- Click on the Add to Widgets button, if you want this report to be added to widgets.
- Click on the Generate button.
This report contains information about employees' worked hours. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Include In Reportgroup box select one of the following available options:
- Show employees having timecard - select this options, if you want to show in the report all employees having timecard - either 0 or non 0.
- Show employees with 0 hours - select this option, if you want to show in the report only employees with 0 hours - either having or not having timecard.
- Show employees with non 0 hours - select this option, if you want to show in the report only employees with non 0 hours.
- From the Group By group box select how you want to group employees. If you don't want to group employees, selectNone option. Also select Each group from new page check box, if you want to start each group from new page.
- Click on the Next button.
- On the second step in the Employees list check all those employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the Employees table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking all (filtered) employees you should select All Filtered check box.) Before checking employees, you can filter them by status, working time and employment type. Also you can choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the list. To do this, click on buttons, select the headquarters, divisions and groups you need and click on the OK button.
- After selecting employees, click on the Next button.
- On the third step in the Categories list check all those categories which should be included in the report. (For checking or unchecking all categories simultaneously you can use and buttons, respectively.)
- Click on the Next button.
- Select from the Select Time Period combo box time period for which you want to generate the report.
- If Custom time period is chosen, then enter start and end dates in the Start and End text boxes, respectively.
- If Pay Period time period is chosen, then choose the pay policy from Pay Policy combo box and enter how many pay periods you want to go back in the Pay Periods Back text box.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Nameradio button, respectively.
- From Hours Format combo box select how you want to display hours in the report - in decimal format, inhh:mm format, or according to format set in general settings.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients whom you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address intoName and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on theOK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Enter into the Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field 4 and Field 5 fields the custom information, which you want to be displayed in the end of the report.
- Click on the Add to Widgets button, if you want this report to be added to widgets.
- Click on the Generate button.
This report contains information about employees' benefits. To generate report you should do following:
- In the Employees list check all those employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the Employees table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking all (filtered) employees you should select All Filtered check box.) Before checking employees, you can filter them by status, working time and employment type. Also you can choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the list. To do this, click on buttons, select the headquarters, divisions and groups you need and click on the OK button.
- After selecting employees, click on the Next button.
- On the second step select from the Select Time Period combo box time period for which you want to generate the report.
- If Custom time period is chosen, then enter start and end dates in the Start and End text boxes, respectively.
- If Pay Period time period is chosen, then choose the pay policy from Pay Policy combo box and enter how many pay periods you want to go back in the Pay Periods Back text box.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- From Hours Format combo box select how you want to display hours in the report - in decimal format, in hh:mm format, or according to format set in general settings.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address intoName and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on theOK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Enter into the Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field 4 and Field 5 fields the custom information, which you want to be displayed in the end of the report.
- Click on the Add to Widgets button, if you want this report to be added to widgets.
- Click on the Generate button.
This report contains information about employees' repeating punches which can be either duplicate or opposing punches committed one after another within fixed amount of time set in the pay policies. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Show Optional Fields group box check the punches you want to include in the report: either only Duplicate Punches, or only Opposing Punches, or both. Note that one of the check boxes should be selected in order you could proceed to the next step of generating report.
- Click on the Next button.
- On the second step in the Employees list check all those employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the Employees table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking all (filtered) employees you should select All Filtered check box.) Before checking employees, you can filter them by status, working time and employment type. Also you can choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the list. To do this, click on buttons, select the headquarters, divisions and groups you need and click on the OK button.
- After selecting employees, click on the Next button.
- Select from the Select Time Period combo box time period for which you want to generate the report.
- If Custom time period is chosen, then enter start and end dates in the Start and End text boxes, respectively.
- If Pay Period time period is chosen, then choose the pay policy from Pay Policy combo box and enter how many pay periods you want to go back in the Pay Periods Back text box.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients whom you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Enter into the Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field 4 and Field 5 fields the custom information, which you want to be displayed in the end of the report.
- Click on the Add to Widgets button, if you want this report to be added to widgets.
- Click on the Generate button.
This report contains information about total worked hours and wages by headquarters, divisions, departments, groups and jobs. To generate a report you should do the following:
- From the Calculate group box select Scheduled hours radio button, if you want to calculate scheduled hours, or select Actual hours radio button, if you want to calculate onyl actual worked hours.
- Select Include wages check box, if you want to include in the report also the wages for calculated scheduled or actual hours.
- From the Group By group box select how you want to group hours. If you don't want to group hours, select None option. Also select Each group from new page check box, if you want to start each group from new page.
- Click on the Next button.
- On the second step select from the Select Time Period combo box time period for which you want to generate the report.
- If Custom time period is chosen, then enter start and end dates in the Start and End text boxes, respectively.
- If Pay Period time period is chosen, then choose the pay policy from Pay Policy combo box and enter how many pay periods you want to go back in the Pay Periods Back text box.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- From Hours Format combo box select how you want to display hours in the report - in decimal format, in hh:mm format, or according to format set in general settings.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use and buttons, respectively.) |
- Enter into the Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field 4 and Field 5 fields the custom information, which you want to be displayed in the end of the report.
- Click on the Add to Widgets button, if you want this report to be added to widgets.
- Click on the Generate button.
This report contains information about employees' employment length. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Employees list check all those employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the Employees table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking all (filtered) employees you should select All Filtered check box.) Before checking employees, you can filter them by status, working time and employment type. Also you can choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the list. To do this, click on buttons, select the headquarters, divisions and groups you need and click on the OK button.
- After selecting employees, click on the Next button.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients whom you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Enter into the Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field 4 and Field 5 fields the custom information, which you want to be displayed in the end of the report.
- Click on the Add to Widgets button, if you want this report to be added to widgets.
- Click on the Generate button.
This report contains information about wrong transactions committed by employees. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Show Optional Fields box select for which type of wrong transactions you want to generate report: Wrong Badges, Wrong Departments or Wrong Jobs.
- Click on the Next button.
- On the second step select from the Select Time Period combo box time period for which you want to generate the report.
- If Custom time period is chosen, then enter start and end dates in the Start and End text boxes, respectively.
- If Pay Period time period is chosen, then choose the pay policy from Pay Policy combo box and enter how many pay periods you want to go back in the Pay Periods Back text box.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Enter into the Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field 4 and Field 5 fields the custom information, which you want to be displayed in the end of the report.
- Click on the Add to Widgets button, if you want this report to be added to widgets.
- Click on the Generate button.
This report contains information about employees' hour exceptions. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Show Optional Fields box select for which type of exceptionss you want to generate report: Consecutive Hours Exception, Overtime Hours Exception, Daily Hours Exception or Period Hours Exception.
- Click on the Next button.
- On the second step in the Employees list check all those employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the Employees table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking all (filtered) employees you should select All Filtered check box.) Before checking employees, you can filter them by status, working time and employment type. Also you can choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the list. To do this, click on buttons, select the headquarters, divisions and groups you need and click on the OK button.
- After selecting employees, click on the Next button.
- Select from the Select Time Period combo box time period for which you want to generate the report.
- If Custom time period is chosen, then enter start and end dates in the Start and End text boxes, respectively.
- If Pay Period time period is chosen, then choose the pay policy from Pay Policy combo box and enter how many pay periods you want to go back in the Pay Periods Back text box.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- From Hours Format combo box select how you want to display hours in the report - in decimal format, in hh:mm format, or according to format set in general settings.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use and buttons, respectively.) |
- Enter into the Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field 4 and Field 5 fields the custom information, which you want to be displayed in the end of the report.
- Click on the Add to Widgets button, if you want this report to be added to widgets.
- Click on the Generate button.
This report contains analysis of daily IN, OUT, LUNCH and BREAK punches. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Show Optional Fields box select Enable Rounding check box, to apply rounding rules to the IN, OUT, LUNCH and BREAK punches.
- From the Include in report combo box check those attendance categories which you want to view in the report. (For example: if you want to see only employees who have clocked in late, then uncheck all categories and leave only In Late category checked.)
- In the Columns group box check all those columns which you want to display in the report.
- From the Group By group box select how you want to group employees. If you don't want to group employees, select None option. Also select Each group from new page check box, if you want to start each group from new page.
- Click on the Next button.
- On the second step in the Employees list check all those employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the Employees table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking all (filtered) employees you should select All Filtered check box.) Before checking employees, you can filter them by status, working time and employment type. Also you can choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the list. To do this, click on buttons, select the headquarters, divisions and groups you need and click on the OK button.
- After selecting employees, click on the Next button.
- Select from the Select Time Period combo box time period for which you want to generate the report.
- If Custom time period is chosen, then enter start and end dates in the Start and End text boxes, respectively.
- If Pay Period time period is chosen, then choose the pay policy from Pay Policy combo box and enter how many pay periods you want to go back in the Pay Periods Back text box.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- From Hours Format combo box select how you want to display hours in the report - in decimal format, in hh:mm format, or according to format set in general settings.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Enter into the Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field 4 and Field 5 fields the custom information, which you want to be displayed in the end of the report.
- Click on the Add to Widgets button, if you want this report to be added to widgets.
- Click on the Generate button.
This report contains information about Door Access transactions. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Employees list check all those employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the Employees table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking all (filtered) employees you should select All Filtered check box.) Before checking employees, you can filter them by status, working time and employment type. Also you can choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the list. To do this, click on buttons, select the headquarters, divisions and groups you need and click on the OK button.
- After selecting employees, click on the Next button.
- In the Devices check all those devices transactions from which should be included in the report. (Note that in the Devices table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking all devices you should select All Filtered check box
- Select from the Select Time Period combo box time period for which you want to generate the report.
- If Custom time period is chosen, then enter start and end dates in the Start and End text boxes, respectively.
- If Pay Period time period is chosen, then choose the pay policy from Pay Policy combo box and enter how many pay periods you want to go back in the Pay Periods Back text box.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Enter into the Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field 4 and Field 5 fields the custom information, which you want to be displayed in the end of the report.
- Click on the Add to Widgets button, if you want this report to be added to widgets.
- Click on the Generate button.
This report contains information about IN/OUT status of employees. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Employees list check all those employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the Employees table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking all (filtered) employees you should select All Filtered check box.) Before checking employees, you can filter them by status, working time and employment type. Also you can choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the list. To do this, click on buttons, select the headquarters, divisions and groups you need and click on the OK button.
- After selecting employees, click on the Next button.
- From the Select Time box select Relative radio button, if you want to go some hours back in relation to current time, or select Custom if you want to enter custom date and time, for which a report should be generated.
- If Relative radio button is selected, then enter how many hours and/or minutes you want to go back in the HH and MM text boxes, respectively.
- If Custom radio button is selected, then enter custom date and time into the Custom text box.
- From the Show in Report box check the statuses that should be displayed in the report.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- From Hours Format combo box select how you want to display hours in the report - in decimal format, in hh:mm format, or according to format set in general settings.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Enter into the Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field 4 and Field 5 fields the custom information, which you want to be displayed in the end of the report.
- Click on the Add to Widgets button, if you want this report to be added to widgets.
- Click on the Generate button.
This report contains information about how many hours the employee is forecasted to work for any period of time and how much money he will receive for that. To generate a report you should do the following:
- From the Group By combo box select how you want to group employees. If you don't want to group employees, select None option.
- Click on the Next button.
- On the second step in the Employees list check all those employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the Employees table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking all (filtered) employees you should select All Filtered check box.) Before checking employees, you can filter them by status, working time and employment type. Also you can choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the list. To do this, click on buttons, select the headquarters, divisions and groups you need and click on the OK button.
- After selecting employees, click on the Next button.
- Select from the Select Time Period combo box time period for which you want to generate the report.
- If Custom time period is chosen, then enter start and end dates in the Start and End text boxes, respectively.
- If Pay Period time period is chosen, then choose the pay policy from Pay Policy combo box and enter how many pay periods you want to go back in the Pay Periods Back text box.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- From Hours Format combo box select how you want to display hours in the report - in decimal format, in hh:mm format, or according to format set in general settings.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Enter into the Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field 4 and Field 5 fields the custom information, which you want to be displayed in the end of the report.
- Click on the Add to Widgets button, if you want this report to be added to widgets.
- Click on the Generate button.
This report provides evaluation of the employee's attendance for any period of time according to defined Attendance Codes. To generate a report you should do the following:
- From the Show Optional Fields box select how you want that data be represented in the report: Detailed (evaluation of each scheduled time of each day) or Total (only counts of Attendance Codes in the given period).
- Click on the Next button.
- On the second step in the Employees list check all those employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the Employees table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking all (filtered) employees you should select All Filtered check box.) Before checking employees, you can filter them by status, working time and employment type. Also you can choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the list. To do this, click on buttons, select the headquarters, divisions and groups you need and click on the OK button.
- After selecting employees, click on the Next button.
- On the third step in the Attendance Codes list check all those attendance codes which should be included in the report. (For checking or unchecking all employees simultaneously you can use check box in the Check column header.)
- After selecting attendance codes, click on the Next button.
- Select from the Select Time Period combo box time period for which you want to generate the report.
- If Custom time period is chosen, then enter start and end dates in the Start and End text boxes, respectively.
- If Pay Period time period is chosen, then choose the pay policy from Pay Policy combo box and enter how many pay periods you want to go back in the Pay Periods Back text box.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- From Hours Format combo box select how you want to display hours in the report - in decimal format, in hh:mm format, or according to format set in general settings.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Enter into the Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field 4 and Field 5 fields the custom information, which you want to be displayed in the end of the report.
- Click on the Add to Widgets button, if you want this report to be added to widgets.
- Click on the Generate button.
This report shows worked hours using a week by week representation. To generate a report you should do the following:
- From the Group By group box select how you want to group employees. If you don't want to group employees, select None option. Also select Each group from new page check box, if you want to start each group from new page.
- Click on the Next button.
- In the Employees list check all those employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the Employees table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking all (filtered) employees you should select All Filtered check box.) Before checking employees, you can filter them by status, working time and employment type. Also you can choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the list. To do this, click on buttons, select the headquarters, divisions and groups you need and click on the OK button.
- After selecting employees, click on the Next button.
- On the second step select from the Select Time Period combo box a time period for which you want to generate the report.
- If Custom time period is chosen, then enter start and end dates in the Start and End text boxes, respectively.
- If Pay Period time period is chosen, then choose the pay policy from Pay Policy combo box and enter how many pay periods you want to go back in the Pay Periods Back text box.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- From Hours Format combo box select how you want to display hours in the report - in decimal format, in hh:mm format, or according to format set in general settings.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Enter into the Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field 4 and Field 5 fields the custom information, which you want to be displayed in the end of the report.
- Click on the Add to Widgets button, if you want this report to be added to widgets.
- Click on the Generate button.
This report shows worked hours by categories. To generate a report you should do the following:
- From the Group By group box select how you want to group employees. If you don't want to group employees, select None option. Also select Each group from new page check box, if you want to start each group from new page.
- Click on the Next button.
- On the second step in the Employees list check all those employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the Employees table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking all (filtered) employees you should select All Filtered check box.) Before checking employees, you can filter them by status, working time and employment type. Also you can choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the list. To do this, click on buttons, select the headquarters, divisions and groups you need and click on the OK button.
- After selecting employees, click on the Next button.
- On the third step in the Categories list check all those categories which should be included in the report. (For checking or unchecking all categories simultaneously you can use check box in the Check column header.) Note that in one report can be shown only 12 categories. Also you can change the sequence of categories by using
and buttons.
- After selecting categories, click on the Next button.
- On the fourth step select from the Select Time Period combo box a time period for which you want to generate the report.
- If Custom time period is chosen, then enter start and end dates in the Start and End text boxes, respectively.
- If Pay Period time period is chosen, then choose the pay policy from Pay Policy combo box and enter how many pay periods you want to go back in the Pay Periods Back text box.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- From Hours Format combo box select how you want to display hours in the report - in decimal format, in hh:mm format, or according to format set in general settings.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Enter into the Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field 4 and Field 5 fields the custom information, which you want to be displayed in the end of the report.
- Click on the Add to Widgets button, if you want this report to be added to widgets.
- Click on the Generate button.
This report shows worked hours grouped by any of the following items: Job, Department, Division, Group, Headquarters, Employee. Moreover, grouping is possible in up to three levels. To generate a report you should do the following:
- From the Group 1 combo box select how you want to group employees at the first level of grouping. If you don't want to group employees, select None option. Also select Each group from new page check box, if you want to start each group from new page. Then from Order by group box select whether you want to order the first level grouping items by code or by name.
- From the Group 2 combo box select how you want to group employees at the second level of grouping. If you don't want to group employees, select None option. Also select Each group from new page check box, if you want to start each group from new page. Then from Order by group box select whether you want to order the second level grouping items by code or by name.
- From the Group 3 combo box select how you want to group employees at the third level of grouping. If you don't want to group employees, select None option. Also select Each group from new page check box, if you want to start each group from new page. Then from Order by group box select whether you want to order the third level grouping items by code or by name.
- Select Show Timecard details combo box, if you want to include in the report also details of the timecard.
- Click on the Next button.
- On the second step in the Employees list check all those employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the Employees table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking all (filtered) employees you should select All Filtered check box.) Before checking employees, you can filter them by status, working time and employment type. Also you can choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the list. To do this, click on buttons, select the headquarters, divisions and groups you need and click on the OK button.
- After selecting employees, click on the Next button.
- On the third step select from the Select Time Period combo box a time period for which you want to generate the report.
- If Custom time period is chosen, then enter start and end dates in the Start and End text boxes, respectively.
- If Pay Period time period is chosen, then choose the pay policy from Pay Policy combo box and enter how many pay periods you want to go back in the Pay Periods Back text box.
- From Hours Format combo box select how you want to display hours in the report - in decimal format, in hh:mm format, or according to format set in general settings.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Enter into the Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field 4 and Field 5 fields the custom information, which you want to be displayed in the end of the report.
- Click on the Add to Widgets button, if you want this report to be added to widgets.
- Click on the Generate button.
This report shows late INs, early INs, late OUTs and early OUTs of employees. To generate a report you should do the following:
- From the Include In Report group box select which report your want to generate: Tardiness (filters and shows only employees who arrived later than scheduled),Early Leaves (filters and shows only employees who left earlier than scheduled), Early INs (filters and shows only employees who arrived earlier than scheduled) or Late OUTs (filters and shows only employees who left later than scheduled).
- In the Show employees who arrived later/left earlier than group box in the From field enter starting from how many minutes early or late arrivals or leaves should appear in the report, and in the To field enter until how many minutes early or late arrivals or leaves should appear in the report.
- Select Show employee summary check box, if you want to display in the report total amount of employees' tardiness/early leaves.
- Select Hide employee details check box, if you don't want to display in the report daily details of employees' tardiness/early leaves.
- From the Show this column in report combo box select the object which you want to display in the report as a separate column.
- From the Group By group box select how you want to group employees. If you don't want to group employees, select None option. Also select Each group from new page check box, if you want to start each group from new page.
- Click on the Next button.
- On the second step in the Employees list check all those employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the Employees table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking all (filtered) employees you should select All Filtered check box.) Before checking employees, you can filter them by status, working time and employment type. Also you can choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the list. To do this, click on buttons, select the headquarters, divisions and groups you need and click on the OK button.
- After selecting employees, click on the Next button.
- On the third step select from the Select Time Period combo box a time period for which you want to generate the report.
- If Custom time period is chosen, then enter start and end dates in the Start and End text boxes, respectively.
- If Pay Period time period is chosen, then choose the pay policy from Pay Policy combo box and enter how many pay periods you want to go back in the Pay Periods Back text box.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- From Hours Format combo box select how you want to display hours in the report - in decimal format, in hh:mm format, or according to format set in general settings.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Enter into the Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field 4 and Field 5 fields the custom information, which you want to be displayed in the end of the report.
- Click on the Add to Widgets button, if you want this report to be added to widgets.
- Click on the Generate button.
This report shows in/out times of employees but in more compact (one line) format, than in general timecard. To generate a report you should do the following:
- To group employees by departments, jobs, groups, divisions or headquarters, select in the Group By box either Department, Job, Group, Division or Headquarters radio buttons respectively. Otherwise left None radio button selected.
- Select Each group from new page check box, if you want to start each group from new page.
- Select Add Group Summary check box, if you want to display for each group summary hours.
- Select Show Misc. Entries check box, if you want to display in the report miscellaneous entries.
- Select Add Category Summary check box, if you want to display in the report the summary of employees' worked hours by categories.
- Select New page per employee check box, if you want to display each employee's timecard from new page.
- Select Show Schedule check box, if you want to display in the report hire date and schedule of employees.
- Click on the Next button.
- On the second step, in the Employees list check all those employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the Employees table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking all (filtered) employees you should select All Filtered check box.) Before checking employees, you can filter them by status, working time and employment type. Also you can choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the list. Moreover, you can choose those departments and jobs, transactions associated to which should be included in the timecard. To do this, click on buttons, select the headquarters, divisions, groups, jobs and departments you need and click on the OK button.
- After selecting employees, click on the Next button.
- Select from the Select Time Period combo box time period for which you want to generate the report.
- If Custom time period is chosen, then enter start and end dates in the Start and End text boxes, respectively.
- If Pay Period time period is chosen, then choose the pay policy from Pay Policy combo box and enter how many pay periods you want to go back in the Pay Periods Back text box.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- From Hours Format combo box select how you want to display hours in the report - in decimal format, in hh:mm format, or according to format set in general settings.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Next button.
- Enter into the Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field 4 and Field 5 fields the custom information, which you want to be displayed in the end of the report.
- Click on the Add to Widgets button, if you want this report to be added to widgets.
- Click on the Generate button.
This report shows worked hours and labor costs distributed by jobs. To generate a report you should do the following:
- Select Include Employee Summary check box, if you want to include in the report summary hours and costs of employees.
- Select Include Employee Details check box, if you want to include in the report details of employees' attendance for each date.
- Select Include Department Summary check box, if you want to include in the report summary hours and costs by departments.
- Select Each job from new page check box, if you want to display each job's information from new page.
- Click on the Next button.
- On the second step, in the Employees list check all those employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the Employees table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking all (filtered) employees you should select All Filtered check box.) Before checking employees, you can filter them by status, working time and employment type. Also you can choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the list. Moreover, you can choose those departments and jobs, transactions associated to which should be included in the timecard. To do this, click on buttons, select the headquarters, divisions, groups, jobs and departments you need and click on the OK button.
- After selecting employees, click on the Next button.
- On the third step select from the Select Time Period combo box time period for which you want to generate the report, or select First IN Punch to Last OUT Punch check box, if you want to select time period starting from first IN Punch to last OUT punch.
- If Custom time period is chosen, then enter start and end dates in the Start and End text boxes, respectively.
- If Pay Period time period is chosen, then choose the pay policy from Pay Policy combo box and enter how many pay periods you want to go back in the Pay Periods Back text box.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- From Hours Format combo box select how you want to display hours in the report - in decimal format, in hh:mm format, or according to format set in general settings.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Next button.
- Enter into the Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field 4 and Field 5 fields the custom information, which you want to be displayed in the end of the report.
- Click on the Add to Widgets button, if you want this report to be added to widgets.
- Click on the Generate button.
This report shows worked total hours summarized by categories and differentials. To generate a report you should do the following:
- In the Employees list check all those employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the Employees table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking all (filtered) employees you should select All Filtered check box.) Before checking employees, you can filter them by status, working time and employment type. Also you can choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the list. Moreover, you can choose those departments and jobs, transactions associated to which should be included in the timecard. To do this, click on buttons, select the headquarters, divisions, groups, jobs and departments you need and click on the OK button.
- After selecting employees, click on the Next button.
- On the second step select from the Select Time Period combo box time period for which you want to generate the report.
- If Custom time period is chosen, then enter start and end dates in the Start and End text boxes, respectively.
- If Pay Period time period is chosen, then choose the pay policy from Pay Policy combo box and enter how many pay periods you want to go back in the Pay Periods Back text box.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- From Hours Format combo box select how you want to display hours in the report - in decimal format, in hh:mm format, or according to format set in general settings.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Next button.
- Enter into the Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field 4 and Field 5 fields the custom information, which you want to be displayed in the end of the report.
- Click on the Add to Widgets button, if you want this report to be added to widgets.
- Click on the Generate button.
This report shows missing and/or short lunches of employees. To generate a report you should do the following:
- Select Enable Rounding check box, if you want to apply rounding rules.
- Select Show Missing Lunches check box, if you want to include missing lunches in the report. Also you can select Hide if bonus given check box, if you want to hide all those missing lunches for which were given bonuses.
- Select Show Short Lunches check box, if you want to include short lunches in the report. Also you can select Hide if bonus given check box, if you want to hide all those short lunches for which were given bonuses.
- Click on the Next button.
- On the second step, in the Employees list check all those employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the Employees table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking all (filtered) employees you should select All Filtered check box.) Before checking employees, you can filter them by status, working time and employment type. Also you can choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the list. Moreover, you can choose those departments and jobs, transactions associated to which should be included in the timecard. To do this, click on buttons, select the headquarters, divisions, groups, jobs and departments you need and click on the OK button.
- After selecting employees, click on the Next button.
- On the third step select from the Select Time Period combo box time period for which you want to generate the report.
- If Custom time period is chosen, then enter start and end dates in the Start and End text boxes, respectively.
- If Pay Period time period is chosen, then choose the pay policy from Pay Policy combo box and enter how many pay periods you want to go back in the Pay Periods Back text box.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- From Hours Format combo box select how you want to display hours in the report - in decimal format, in hh:mm format, or according to format set in general settings.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Next button.
- Enter into the Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field 4 and Field 5 fields the custom information, which you want to be displayed in the end of the report.
- Click on the Add to Widgets button, if you want this report to be added to widgets.
- Click on the Generate button.
This report shows earned banked hours grouped by time periods and bank hours balance. To generate a report you should do the following:
- From the Grouping Period box select how you want to group earned banked hours: either by any custom period, or using any of existing pay policy's period.
- If Custom Period is chosen, then into Start Date field enter the start date of the period, and from the Period combo box select the period type.
- If Use Pay Policy is selected, then from the Pay Policy combo box select the pay policy, periods of which you want to use for grouping.
- Check Show Timecard details option, if you want to show in the report also timecard details.
- Check New page per employee option, if you want to show each employee's information from new page.
- Click on the Next button.
- In the Employees list check all those employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the Employees table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking all (filtered) employees you should select All Filtered check box.) Before checking employees, you can filter them by status, working time and employment type. Also you can choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the list. Moreover, you can choose those departments and jobs, transactions associated to which should be included in the timecard. To do this, click on buttons, select the headquarters, divisions, groups, jobs and departments you need and click on the OK button.
- After selecting employees, click on the Next button.
- On the third step select from the Select Time Period combo box time period for which you want to generate the report.
- If Custom time period is chosen, then enter start and end dates in the Start and End text boxes, respectively.
- If Pay Period time period is chosen, then choose the pay policy from Pay Policy combo box and enter how many pay periods you want to go back in the Pay Periods Back text box.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- From Hours Format combo box select how you want to display hours in the report - in decimal format, in hh:mm format, or according to format set in general settings.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Next button.
- Enter into the Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field 4 and Field 5 fields the custom information, which you want to be displayed in the end of the report.
- Click on the Add to Widgets button, if you want this report to be added to widgets.
- Click on the Generate button.
This report shows employee's worked hours and wage separated by pay rates (Regular, Overtime 1, Overtime 2, and Overtime 3) and summarized by departments. (NOTE: In this report Bill Rate is being used for calculating wage.) To generate a report you should do the following:
- To group employees by groups, divisions or headquarters, select in the Group By box either Headquarters, Division or Group radio buttons respectively. Otherwise left None radio button selected.
- Select Each group from new page check box, if you want to start each group from new page.
- Select Add Group Summary check box, if you want to display for each group summary hours and wage amount.
- Click on the Next button.
- In the Employees list check all those employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the Employees table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking all (filtered) employees you should select All Filtered check box.) Before checking employees, you can filter them by status, working time and employment type. Also you can choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the list. Moreover, you can choose those departments and jobs, transactions associated to which should be included in the timecard. To do this, click on buttons, select the headquarters, divisions, groups, jobs and departments you need and click on the OK button.
- After selecting employees, click on the Next button.
- On the third step select from the Select Time Period combo box time period for which you want to generate the report.
- If Custom time period is chosen, then enter start and end dates in the Start and End text boxes, respectively.
- If Pay Period time period is chosen, then choose the pay policy from Pay Policy combo box and enter how many pay periods you want to go back in the Pay Periods Back text box.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- From Hours Format combo box select how you want to display hours in the report - in decimal format, in hh:mm format, or according to format set in general settings.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Next button.
- Enter into the Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field 4 and Field 5 fields the custom information, which you want to be displayed in the end of the report.
- Click on the Add to Widgets button, if you want this report to be added to widgets.
- Click on the Generate button.
This report shows annual attendance for the whole year using some predefined categories. To generate a report you should do the following :
- In the Employees list check all those employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the Employees table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking all (filtered) employees you should select All Filtered check box.) Before checking employees, you can filter them by status, working time and employment type. Also you can choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the list. Moreover, you can choose those departments and jobs, transactions associated to which should be included in the timecard. To do this, click on buttons, select the headquarters, divisions, groups, jobs and departments you need and click on the OK button.
- After selecting employees, click on the Next button.
- On the second step select from the Select Time Period combo box in the Year field enter the year for which you want to generate the report.
- Check Add Category Summary box, if you want to display in the report total days by categories.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Click on the Next button.
- Enter into the Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field 4 and Field 5 fields the custom information, which you want to be displayed in the end of the report.
- Click on the Add to Widgets button, if you want this report to be added to widgets.
- Click on the Generate button.
This report shows whether the company is ACA compliant or no. To generate a report you should do the following:
- From Duration group box either select Months radio button and enter the number of months which should be measured, or select Weeks radio button and enter the number of weeks which should be measured. Note: The measurement period can be from 3 to 12 months or from 13 to 52 weeks.
- In the End Date field enter the end date of measurement period.
- Select Forecast check box, if you want to calculate forecast for the future by calculating part-time employees hours based on their schedule and not actual worked hours.
- Click on the Next button.
- In the Employees list check all those employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the Employees table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking all (filtered) employees you should select All Filtered check box.) Before checking employees, you can filter them by status, working time and employment type. Also you can choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the list. Moreover, you can choose those departments and jobs, transactions associated to which should be included in the timecard. To do this, click on buttons, select the headquarters, divisions, groups, jobs and departments you need and click on the OK button.
- After selecting employees, click on the Next button.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- Select Show Hours as decimals check box, if you want to display hours in decimal format, or deselect if you want to display hours in hh:mm format..
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Enter into the Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field 4 and Field 5 fields the custom information, which you want to be displayed in the end of the report.
- Click on the Add to Widgets button, if you want this report to be added to widgets.
- Click on the Generate button.
This report shows whether status of the employees should be changed or not, based on their hours worked during measurement period. To generate a report you should do the following:
- From Duration group box either select Months radio button and enter the number of months which should be measured, or select Weeks radio button and enter the number of weeks which should be measured. Note: The measurement period can be from 3 to 12 months or from 13 to 52 weeks.
- In the End Date field enter the end date of measurement period.
- Select Forecast check box, if you want to calculate forecast for the future by calculating part-time employees hours based on their schedule and not actual worked hours.
- Click on the Next button.
- In the Employees list check all those employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the Employees table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking all (filtered) employees you should select All Filtered check box.) Before checking employees, you can filter them by status, working time and employment type. Also you can choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the list. Moreover, you can choose those departments and jobs, transactions associated to which should be included in the timecard. To do this, click on buttons, select the headquarters, divisions, groups, jobs and departments you need and click on the OK button.
- After selecting employees, click on the Next button.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- Select Show Hours as decimals check box, if you want to display hours in decimal format, or deselect if you want to display hours in hh:mm format..
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Enter into the Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field 4 and Field 5 fields the custom information, which you want to be displayed in the end of the report.
- Click on the Add to Widgets button, if you want this report to be added to widgets.
- Click on the Generate button.
This report generates 1094-C and 1095-C forms for Applicable Large Employer Member (ALE Member) companies. To generate a report you should do the following:
- From Duration group box either select Months radio button and enter the number of months which should be measured, or select Weeks radio button and enter the number of weeks which should be measured. Note: The measurement period can be from 3 to 12 months or from 13 to 52 weeks.
- In the End Date field enter the end date of measurement period.
- Select Forecast check box, if you want to calculate forecast for the future by calculating part-time employees hours based on their schedule and not actual worked hours.
- Select Export only last four digits of ssn check box, if you want to export only last four digits of employee's social security number.
- Click on the Next button.
- In the Headquarters list check all those headquarters employees who should be included in the report. (For checking all (filtered) headquarters you should select All Filtered check box.)
- Click on the Add to Widgets button, if you want this report to be added to widgets.
- Click on the Generate button. (As a result will be opened Browse For Folder pop-up window, where should be selected the destination of exporting 1094-C and 1095-C forms.)
This report gives information about approved and not approved time cards (employees and total count). To generate a report you should do the following:
- To group employees by groups, divisions or headquarters, select in the Group By box either Headquarters, Division or Group radio buttons respectively. Otherwise left None radio button selected.
- Select Each group from new page check box, if you want to start each group from new page.
- Click on the Next button.
- In the Employees list check all those employees who should be included in the report. (Note that in the Employees table there is Paging. For navigating between those pages you should either click on the corresponding page number or use
and buttons. For checking all (filtered) employees you should select All Filtered check box.) Before checking employees, you can filter them by status, working time and employment type. Also you can choose those headquarters, divisions and groups, employees of which should be included in the list. Moreover, you can choose those departments and jobs, transactions associated to which should be included in the timecard. To do this, click on buttons, select the headquarters, divisions, groups, jobs and departments you need and click on the OK button.
- After selecting employees, click on the Next button.
- On the second step select from the Select Time Period combo box a time period for which you want to generate the report.
- If Custom time period is chosen, then enter start and end dates in the Start and End text boxes, respectively.
- If Pay Period time period is chosen, then choose the pay policy from Pay Policy combo box and enter how many pay periods you want to go back in the Pay Periods Back text box.
- Choose to order the employees in the report either by code, or by name by selecting either Code or Name radio button, respectively.
- Select Show Hours as decimals check box, if you want to display hours in decimal format, or deselect if you want to display hours in hh:mm format..
- Select E-mail Report check box, if you want the report to be sent to any e-mail address.
- Select those e-mail recipients who you want the report to be sent to. (Click here to see how to select e-mail recipients.)
After selecting E-mail Report check box, will be displayed a list box and Edit button, by clicking on which will be opened E-Mail List window from where you should select all the persons to whom you want to e-mail the report. In this window you can add e-mail recipients, edit and delete them.
To add new e-mail recipient you should click on the Add button, enter the person's name and e-mail address into Name and E-mail text boxes, respectively, and then click on the OK button.
To edit an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table, click on the Edit button, make the changes in his name and/or e-mail address and then click on the OK button.
To delete an e-mail recipient, you should select that person from E-Mail List table and then click on the Delete button.
To select from the list those e-mail recipients, who the report should be sent to, check the boxes in front of their names and then click on the OK button. (For checking or unchecking all e-mail recipients simultaneously, you can use check box in the Checked column header.) |
- Enter into the Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field 4 and Field 5 fields the custom information, which you want to be displayed in the end of the report.
- Click on the Add to Widgets button, if you want this report to be added to widgets.
- Click on the Generate button.