

Tools menu consists of the following submenues:

Bulk Transactions
Allows to commit any transaction, including miscellaneous entries, for more than one employee simultaneously.
Allows to reprocess the transactions starting from any custom date defined by the user.
Auto Process
Allows to create processes which are being executed automatically on the predefined day and time. Possible processes are Polling, and Generating and Sending Report (Information about the auto processes is being stored locally on the user's PC).
Allows to import employees, miscellaneous transactions and schedules from an external files.
General Settings
Allows to set general settings of the program (background color/image, default values of program's key elements, alarms) and enable or disable some of the program's functions.
Allows to create new roles and new users, configure their settings (usernames and passwords, permissions, status, interface language) and delete them.
Allows to backup and restore the database.
Purge Database
Allows to purge database.
Allows to send and receive messages to and from employees and users.
Time Off Requests
Allows to approve or deny time off requests of employees.