Forecasting page is intended to show how many hours each employee should work for any period of time and how much money he should get for that period.
For viewing forecasted data you should do the following:
- In the Employees list (on the left part of the page) check all those employees whose forecasted data you want to view. (Note that there is Paging in the list. For navigating between pages you can use
and buttons. For checking all employees of one page you can select the check box in the Check column header. For selecting all filtered employees of all pages you should select All Filtered check box.) Before checking employees, you can filter them by status, working time, and employment type. Also you can choose those groups, divisions and headquarters, employees of which should be included in the list. Moreover, you can choose those departments and jobs, which should or should not be included in the forecasting. To do this, click on buttons and select the groups, divisions, headquarters, departments and jobs you need.
- After checking employees, select from the Select Time Period combo box the time period for which you want to view the forecasting.
- If Custom time period is chosen, then enter start and end dates in the Start and End text boxes, respectively.
- If Pay Period time period is chosen, then choose the pay policy from Pay Policy combo box and enter how many pay periods you want to go back or ahead (depending on the Back or Ahead selection) in the Pay Periodstext box.
- From the Group By combo box, select how you want to group employees. If you don't want to group them, select None option.
- Click on the Refresh button to view the forecasted data.
- To reset chosen time period and grouping option, click on the Reset button.