Code Select the code of the shift. Note that Code is a unique value. Before entering it, please make sure that there is no other shift in the selected group with the same shift code.
Start Enter the Start time of the Shift. Note that this option will be active only in case shift group is not flexible.
Cutoff This value is intended for those employees who are assigned to a floating shift. When the employee checks in, the system uses this value to find the closest shift and to assign the employee to this shift. If the employee's check in time is after the Cutoff, the system moves down the list to compare with the next shift of the same shift group. Note that the Cutoff value must be higher than the Stop time of the previous Shift, but cannot be higher than the Start time of the next Shift.
Stop Enter the Stop time of the Shift. Note that this option will be active only in case shift group is not flexible.
Gross This value is generated automatically and shows the total duration of the shift. Note that in case the shift group is fixed, this value is equal to the difference of Stop and Start times and in case the shift group is flexible it is equal to the sum of Total value and Lunch/Breaks durations. In both cases this option is not editable and its value can't be entered manually
Lunch/Breaks This value is generated automatically and shows the sum of the durations of the shift's lunches and breaks. Note that this option is not editable and its value can't be entered manually.
Total This value shows the total duration of the shift's working time and is calculated by subtracting the total duration of lunches and breaks from the Gross value. Note that in case the shift group is fixed, this option is not editable and its value can't be entered manually, but in case the shift group is flexible, it is to be entered manually.
Access Restrictions (Start / Stop) (visible only when in General Settings window Enable device access restrictions from shifts check box is selected) Enter Start and End times of the period during which employee can have access to the devices. Note that for FLEX shifts and FLOATER schedule these values are not used.
Assign worked hours to This radio button is mainly intended for those employees who work over midnight, which assumes that Clock in and Clock out dates of those employees are different. This option enables the system to choose the date to which the hours worked should be accrued. If the Clock in date option is chosen, then the hours will be accrued to the day when the employee clocked in. If the Clock out date option is chosen, then the hours will be accrued to the day when the employee clocked out.
Lunch SG Max This value defines the maximum possible duration of lunch when Swipe and Go is used. Note that this option will be inactive in case Use Swipe and Go function is disabled from the General Settings.
Break SG Max This value defines the maximum possible duration of break when Swipe and Go is used. Note that this option will be inactive in case Use Swipe and Go function is disabled from the General Settings.
Lunches/Breaks For each shift it is possible to add lunches and breaks and while adding them you will be required to do some configuration.
To add a lunch or break to the shift you should do the following:
- Click on the Add button. (As a result will be opened a new window - Add Lunch/Break.)
- Select from the Type combo box what you want to add: Lunch or Break.
- Configure the other options of the lunch or break. (Click here to see the description of the options.)
Duration Enter the duration of the lunch/break. Note that this field is mandatory.
Paid Check this option if you want the lunch/break to be paid.
Apply Mode Choose how the lunch/break will be applied. Choose Elapsed, if you want the lunch/break to be automatically committed, or Punched if you want employees to Punch In and Out for the lunch/break, or Elapsed or Punched if you want either Elapsed or Punched modes to apply. In the last case, if the employeee has punched for lunch/break, then no lunch/break will be automatically committed, but if employee hasn't, then it will.
Start Enter the start time of Fixed lunch. Note that this field will be active only if Apply Mode is set to Fixed.
Minimum duration from IN punch Enter at least for how many hours prior to lunch start time employee should punch IN. If employee punches later, then Fixed lunch is not being applied and instead is being applied Elapsed lunch. Note that this field will be active only if Apply Mode is set to Fixed.
Elapsed Time Enter the amount of hours after which a lunch/break will be automatically deducted. Note that this field will be active only if Apply Mode is set to Elapsed or Elapsed or Punched.
Max. Punch Time(available only if "Late Lunch" module is activated and "Employees who are late for lunch" alert in General Settings is enabled) Enter the amount of hours within which employee(starting either from Shift Start time or actual Clock in time) should punch for lunch.
From Select whether the elapsed time should be counted from the Shift Start time or actual Clock in time. Note that this field will be active only if Apply Mode is set to Elapsed or Elapsed or Punched.
Minimum Duration Enter the minimum duration of the lunch/break. Note that if the duration of transaction is less than the minimum duration, then the system won't consider the transaction as a lunch/break.
Deny Short Duration* Check this option if you want that short duration of lunch or break be denied. It means that after performing "Out for Lunch" and "Out for Break" punches from the device, employees wouldn't be able to perform any other action from the device until the lunch or break duration is over. Take into consideration that this feature doesn't apply for all device types, but only for the following ones: AMG-FP30, AMG-FP90 and new TM 2010-B, and also only in case "Punch Menu" is selected as "Menu Type".
Pay Outside This checkbox is intended for those cases when the employee was outside for lunch/break longer than the amount specified in the Duration field, which is the maximum allowed time for lunch/break. Check this option if you want the time exceeding the maximum duration also to be paid. Note that this field is active only if Apply Mode is set to Punched or Elapsed or Punched and Paid check box is selected. |
- Click on the OK button.
To edit a lunch or break you should do the following:
- In the Lunches/Breaks table select the lunch or break you want to edit.
- Click on the Edit button. (As a result will be opened a new window - Edit Lunch/Break.)
- Make the necessary changes in the options.
- Click on the OK button.
To delete a lunch or break you should do the following:
- In the Lunches/Breaks table select the lunch or break you want to delete.
- Click on the Delete button.
Back to Shifts.