Use our reporting to see if you are Applicable Large Employer (ALE) or not and if you are ALE then easily print the 1094-C and 1095-C reports.
You can set the following alerts:
when devices have not been polled for a period of time
when database backup was not performed for a period of time
when there are failed transactions
when there are wrong transactions
when there are employees who have no schedule assigned
when there are employees who have no wage assigned
when there are employees who have no benefits assigned
when there are employee codes, badge codes, job codes or department codes which don't correspond to the set code lengths
Alarm on Late Lunches
When an employee has not taken a lunch after a certain duration the software will notify the administrator.
Gives you the ability to view employees’ timecards, schedule, transactions, benefits and more. With a simple double click you can amend transactions that have errors.
Badge Backup/Restore
You can back up the employee badges. Verification modes including fingerprint, hand algorithm, facial algorithm.
Badge Management
Gives you the ability to communicate to your device, retrieve the employee’s verification modes and to increase or decrease their security level as well as delete the employee from the device.
Badge Transfer
Depending on the devices you can transfer an employee verification method from one similar device (terminal) to another similar device. Example, transferring employees hand algorithm from one terminal to another.
Benefit Assignment
Allows you to set benefits for employees.
Built-in Payroll Export
Gives you the ability to export to over 90 set payrolls and virtually to any payroll provider. Additional fees may apply.
The AMG Software comes standard with 16 categories which represent different types of working time usage. Examples are work, lunch, vacation, etc. You can add you custom categories to this list.
Configuration Wizard
This set-up configuration wizard will guide you through configuration of the software based on your company’s policy.
Database Backup/Restore
Allows you to archive your database so you do not lose any information.
Database Purge
Enables you to purge database by deleting old data. You can create a backup of the database before purging the data.
DB Backup
Also known as Data Base Backup, this module allows you to back-up and save the database. You can also auto-process this feature.
Device Messages
Depending on the device, you can assign each employee a message, which will be displayed on the device after the employee clocks in/out.
Device Polling
Enables polling information (employee hours) from each terminal, and also synchronization of changes in PC´s date and time with devices. You never have to worry about daylight savings time change again!
If your organization has several divisions (even situated in different locations), this module will help you filter employees and run reports based on divisions.
Display Mispunches
Allows you to view all the missed punches committed by employees. You can filter the missed punches to show all the employees who have a missing punch
Employee Import From File
You can import your current database of employee to the software all at once instead of manually adding each one. Please inquire about the file format.
Employee Export to File
You can export your database of employees from the AMG Software.
Gives you the ability to track custom consecutive hours worked, custom daily worked hours and custom period worked hours. In addition you can also set exceptions on minors. You can group them by age and apply the maximum daily and weekly hours and set limitations on the latest possible time to work.
Global Transactions
Allows you to make global changes for all the employees. You can select the devices and choose the action.
Allows a supervisor to set up a company which has multiple headquarters.
For example: an employee staffing company has many clients that they provide employees to. The supervisor can set each client as a headquarter and provide a user name with a password for their client to view the employee hours. A great way to save money and have full control of your workforce
Gives you the ability to set holiday eligibilities based on employees employment history, working before or after the holiday. Holiday Parameters can be set for employees who also work on holidays and you can set a new pay rate.
Lunches / Breaks
Allows you to set lunches and breaks based on employee’s schedule. Lunch: when configuring lunches you can set four types of modes: fixed, elapsed, punched and elapsed or punched. Example, the minimum duration for lunch should be 30 minutes but you have employees that take more or less. You can change the setting to punched or elapsed and based on the expired duration set, the software will automatically deduct 30 minutes of lunch for employees who took less than 30 minutes. The software will deducted the exact amount of time the employee has taken for lunch if it is over 30 minutes. The same applies to breaks.
Manual Timecard Editing
Ability to edit employee’s timecards.
Gives the software users and the employees an opportunity to send and receive messages.
Miscellaneous Entries
Gives you the ability to add miscellaneous entries such as explanations to why an employee’s time has been amended.
Missing | Short Lunches Bonuses
Allows you to configure bonuses for employees who do not take a lunch or a short lunch.
Network Version
Allows client access to the software via network connection.
Optional Data migration from existing database
Depending on your current database, the tech support team at AMG can create a data migration to import information from your current time and attendance software to AMG employee attendance software. Subject to additional costs.
Overtime Calculation Modes
Weekly / Biweekly,
Weekly / Biweekly,
Weekly / Biweekly,
All three levels of overtime can be customized to any particular overtime calculation method.
Overtime Levels
AMG Software offer the following overtime levels: daily, weekly and consecutive working days overtime.
Pay Period Types
AMG Employee Attendance Software offers the following pay periods: Weekly, biweekly, monthly and semimonthly.
Pay Policies
In AMG Time Attendance Software you can create as many policies as you need. By configuring policies you are given a possibility to define holiday payment rules, overtime payment rules, and also exceptions to be reported. AMG Time Attendance Software supports 3 levels of overtime and also 3 modes of overtime calculation, which are Daily Overtime, Weekly Overtime and Consecutive Days Overtime.
PC Clock
Allows employees to perform all time-clock related actions at their PC. As far as it can completely imitate the performance of data collection devices, this feature can help you to ensure the continuing work of the system in case there are some problems with data collection devices and data cannot be captured from them. An employee can transfer departments/jobs from their PC.
Polling from Devices
Allows you to poll the data from the device. You can also auto-process this feature to automatically poll the data by selecting certain days of the week with times of the day or time intervals
Remote Client
You can log into the AMG software from anywhere in the world utilizing an internet connection.
Report Export
Gives you the ability to export your reports in the following formats: PDF, RPT, XLS, DOC or RTF
Reprocess punches window allows to reprocess the transactions of a certain time period. Reprocessing is mostly intended to be used when changes have been made in the polices, holidays, etc.
Sending Reports by E-Mail
You can control who you would like to email reports and you can also automate this process.
AMG Time Attendance Software is designed to support as many shift groups as you need, which can also include many individual shifts. It supports flexible shifts, which have no fixed start and stop times. It also supports an assigning schedule with a floating shift, which assumes that the system will use the Shift's Cutoff value to find the closest shift and automatically assign an employee to that closest shift.
Shift Differential
Gives you the ability to add or multiply custom hours to certain time frames when the employee works and custom days of the week. Example would be when an employee works between the hours of 12:00am to 6:00am, they get an additional 2 hours added to their shift.
Simple Rounding
Simple rounding gives you the ability to set up grace periods where an employee is allowed to be early or late.
Status Board
Is a great control tool which gives the supervisors the ability to find out what employees are doing at the current time or at any moment in the last 99 hours. It defines the following 5 statuses: Working, Absent, Outside, Lunch and Break.
Support Request
Allows you to send a request for support by one of our highly trained technicians.
Time Off Requests
Gives the employees an opportunity to send requests for time off to the user (admin). User who gets the request can either approve or deny. Requests can be for any benefit category. If the user approves the request, then on the requested day and time is added as a miscellaneous transaction for the requested category and time period.
Types of Shifts (Schedules)
Gives you the ability to have an unlimited amount of shifts and customize each shift’s regulations.
Types of Wages
Calculated Salary
Calculated Salary
Calculated Salary
Hourly, salary and calculated salary
User Permissions
Allows you to set certain permissions of additional administrators/supervisors that have access to the software.
An employee can be assigned a wage, which can be either hourly, salary or calculated salary. If the wage is hourly or calculated hourly, then the software will calculate the total salary according to the employee’s tracked attendance.
Wrong Transactions
Wrong Transactions can occur when an employee enters into a wrong department or wrong code. These wrong transactions can be viewed all at once or one by one by an administrator. The administrator will have the ability to correct the wrong transaction
Advanced Rounding
+ $150.00
+ $300.00
This module allows for more flexible rounding configurations and also for evaluating employees’ attendance through an Attendance Point System.
Annual Attendance Report
+ $300.00
+ $415.00
Designed for educational facilities, this module evaluates yearly student attendance.
Badge Repository
+ $150.00
+ $300.00
Provides the ability to transfer employee verification methods (badges) from one terminal to as many terminals as you have and all from one screen.
Bank Hours
+ $300.00
A special benefit category named “Banked Hours” allows for overtime hours to be banked to later be used for time-off requests.
Bell Schedules
+ $55.00
With this module, a company can configure and assign bell schedules to a device to inform employees about start and end times of certain events (bells compatible with certain devices).
Benefit Accrual
+ $150.00
+ $300.00
This module allows administrative users to create and configure rules for automatically accruing benefit hours based on the company’s benefit policy and employee’s worked hours.
Category Report
+ $63.36
+ $150.00
Special report grouped by categories
Device Time Restrictions
+ $150.00
+ $300.00
This module allows the administrator to set up access time zones to restrict an employee’s access to the device.
Door Access Report
+ $63.36
This module enables the system to generate a report only on door access types of transactions.
Employee Login
+ $150.00
+ $300.00
This module allows for employees to log into the system and view information that the administrator has allowed them to view.
+ $40.00
Assign schedules to employees, enter their wages and see how much a certain project will cost the company.
Job / Department Costing
+ $63.36
This module allows the assignment of different departments or jobs to one employee. It also allows the company to pay the employee at different rates based on the various assignments to departments or jobs.
Mandatory Paid Sick Leave
+ $150.00
+ $300.00
+ $415.00
Designed for all businesses to support automatic calculation of sick pay based on the number of worked hours.
MS SQL Server Support
+ $150.00
+ $300.00
Microsoft SQL Server connectivity support. By default software is provided with MySQL support.
+ $630.00
Gives relevant healthcare organizations a possibility to automatically calculate NHPPD ratios to make sure minimum staffing requirements set by the US Government are met. Also includes several related reports and XML output according to PBJ specifications.
No Lunch
+ $150.00
+ $300.00
This module allows administrative user to proactively manage employees who may not be following the lunch rules.
One Screen Easy Scheduling
+ $55.00
Easy schedule assignment: edit all employees or a group of employee’s schedules in one screen.
Punch Analysis
+ $40.00
An analytical tool that compares employees’ scheduled and actual punch times to provide the employer with information about whether employees are early or late and for how many hours/minutes.
Punch Monitor
+ $70.00
+ $150.00
This module allows for real-time monitoring of punches.
Report Autoprocess
+ $47.52
Enables the user to schedule automatic report generation and sending.
Staffing Agency
+ $415.00
+ $630.00
This module enables staffing agencies to keep track of their employee hours at client companies and provide visibility into the bill rate.