At AMGtime we value the employer's and employee's time spent on time and attendance management. We strive to provide the best quality products and service at affordable pricing, so that employers can see ROI almost immediately.
AMGtime includes countless features and add-ons, streamlining the management of employees' time and attendance. Capabilities range from rounding calculations, detailed and vast numbers of reports, to an employee self-serve kiosk.
As your business needs change, so does AMGtime. Regardless if you start with 15 employees and grow to 500, your time and attendance solution will adjust to your growing needs and will ensure a smooth transition with flexible and proactive development
Bigger ROI
AMGtime delivers accurate time and attendance data through cost-efficient software and devices. It does not require a large investment for quality and reliable solutions for critical employee management issues
The knowledgeable and friendly team of technicians at AMGtime are committed to providing resolutions to any questions from initial installation to full support during any moment of need.