AMG Software Module One Screen Easy Scheduling_0AMG Software Module One Screen Easy Scheduling_1

AMG Software Module One Screen Easy Scheduling

  • One Screen Easy Scheduling module is a time saving feature that any company can enjoy, but it is certainly a must-have for large companies.

One Screen Easy Scheduling allows more ease and efficiency when assigning schedules. Users can assign, edit or delete all employees’ schedules from one screen. Before assigning the schedule, users can filter employees and assign, edit or delete the schedule for a certain group of employees. This module makes it possible to assign all employees’ weekly schedules within a few seconds. Without this module, users would have to individually assign employee schedule.

Quantity Levels
  • (1-3)
  • (4-7)
  • (8-10)
  • (11-Up)
  • $55.00
  • $52.25
  • $51.15
  • $49.50

One Screen Easy Scheduling” module is a time saving feature that any company can enjoy, but it is certainly a must-have for large companies.