AMGtime Blog

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Setting Up Pay Policies

5 Considerations When Setting Up Pay Policies

It is not sufficient to allow an employee’s paycheck alone to communicate the pay policies of your company. Upon hiring any employee and discussing their compensation, there should be a clear and consistent pay policy already in place, and all managers and administration should be fully aware and trained in these policies and procedures. Of course, it is acceptable for an employee with advanced education or skills to have a higher compensation than another employee, but this shouldn’t be a secretive process.

employees having a meeting in the office

Standard vs. Advanced Employee Time Rounding

Round away! But, wait! Do you really know the rules?
Employee time rounding is a necessary and essential part of any business, especially one that employs workers with hourly shifts. It involves determining pay for hourly employees based on when they clock in and out. If an employee’s shift begins at 6:00 pm, for example, and he or she clocks in five minutes early, that time can be rounded up. The Department of Labor, under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), permits rounding of employee time either to the nearest five minutes, one-tenth or quarter hour. So, it is important to remember that ignoring the laws can lead to costly fines for unpaid compensation due to any employee.

woman in the office taking notes

4 Ways to Clock In and Out With an Employee Time System

Ensuring that your employees have an easy, accurate, and reliable way to clock in and out of work is such an important aspect of any business. Whether your company is large or small, deciding what system to use is a great way to tailor your employee time management system to best suit your needs.

Affordable Care Act

What the Affordable Care Act Means for Your Time and Attendance

With PPACA, or Obamacare, postponed to January 1st, 2015, you may not know that you, as an employer, are required to begin tracking your employees and their hours for the 2014 work year. Many large employers will be required to report the full-time status of each of their employees to the IRS, beginning in 2015. The majority of employers will have to rely on 2014 year time records to make an accurate determination of their workers and hours clocked in. While this will be no easy task, the best way to capture accurate time histories is by employing a reliable time and attendance system.

5 Benefits of Facial Recognition Systems for Time and Attendance

5 Benefits of Facial Recognition Systems for Time and Attendance

AMGtime continues to lead the world of time attendance software with their most recent innovative addition to their system; facial recognition! AMGtime’s Facial Recognition System provides its customers with this simple, carefree software that is sure to supply even more accurate time attendance record. An employee’s identity is immediately verified just by looking at the time clock! So, let’s take a quick look at just a few of the plethora of benefits facial recognition has to offer to the time and attendance system world.