Your company holidays can be setup in AMG so they automatically add hours for applicable employees. The settings for when employees are eligible and how many hours are added for holidays can be found in the pay policies. Once those settings are configured, you can setup holiday groups that contain the actual holidays, then assign them to employees. The holiday configuration can be found under Company - Holidays - Configure.
In the top section you will create Holiday groups. It is only necessary to create more than one group if different employees get different holidays. After you create a group you can use the Fill Holidays button to add in common US holidays.
Check any days you want to add as holidays for the current year on the left. If you also have the day before or after the actual holiday, you can add that on the right. Press Ok when you are done. If you have any holidays that aren't in the list you can press the add button in the bottom of the main holiday screen. This will open a new window to manually add a holiday.
Give your holiday a name and the select the day(s) from the calendar. Then press OK to add it. You can also use this option to add holidays beyond the current year.
After your holidays have been added you need to assign the holiday groups to employees. You can do this from Definitions - Holidays - Assign.
Here you can select employees by checking them on the left, then selecting the group of holidays they belong to on the right and then clicking the assign button at the bottom. These employees will now get those holidays hours (per the pay policy settings) assigned to them automatically on the specified days.