Before trying to access forecasting, make sure you have the module included in your package. Once you have logged into your account, visit Help - License Information and look to confirm that our ACA Compliance module is enabled.
Adding templates
Usigned page gives possibility to add templates of sending timecard for electronic signature.
It is possible to add as many templates as needed. Different templates can be created if for example Timecard should have different look for different employees, or signers should be different for different employees.
To add a new template, follow these steps:
In Signing Order group box add all those users who should sign the timecard. For that click on Add button. As a result will appear a new row for selecting the new signer and entering his signing order. Keep in mind that if you want that signers could sign the document without any specific order, then in Signing Order field for all signers you should enter the same number.
After clicking on Add button, along with new row appears also Remove button, by clicking on which last added signer is being removed from the signers list.
Note: by default in the signer field is entered Employee, because sending timecards to employees is mandatory.
Click on Save and Send Later button to save the changes, but not sending the timecards for signature, or click on Save and Send Now button to save the changes and simultaneously sending the timecards for signature.
Viewing template details
Usigned page also gives possibility to view the details of sent timecards of added templates.
To view details, follow these steps:
In this page are listed all occurrences of sending this Timecard template for signature.
In each row in separate columns is displayed the following info:
By clicking on arrow in front of each row, is being opened the details of each sent document separately.
In each row by clicking on Open button the document will be opened, by clicking on Download button the document will be downloaded.
Usigned related changes in Attendance -> Timecard
In case of using "Usigned" module, in Timecard tab of Attendance page for each timecard, which was sent for signature, will be displayed its status. The following 4 statuses are possible: