How to Register Your AMG Time Client/Server Installation

Before you can begin using your AMG Time software, we will need to register it first with the serial number. If the computer on which the software is installed has an active internet connection, you may use the Automatic Registration process. If not, scroll down to the Manual Registration process.

Registration Process: Automatic

Step 1

First, in the upper navigation bar, click Help.

In this menu, click Registration.

Step 2

Click Next.

Step 3

1. Enter the serial number provided with your software.

2. Ensure that the Automatic circle is selected.

3. Click Next.

Step 4

Fill out all available fields with the information for your business.

Click Next.

Step 5

Your Registration is now complete!

Registration Process: Manual

Step 1

First, in the upper navigation bar, click Help.

In this menu, click Registration.

Step 2

Click Next.

Step 3

1. Enter the serial number provided with your software.

2. Ensure that the Manual circle is selected.

3. Click Next.

Step 4

1. Contact AMG Support for an Activation Code.

2. Enter the provided Activation Code into the Registration box.

3. Click Next

Step 5

Your registration is now complete!