To edit or add a lunch or break to a shift, go to Definitions - Shifts - Shifts. From here, select your shift group on the top and the individual shift from the bottom table and click edit at the bottom. 


In this window under Lunches/Breaks table you can see the list of lunches and breaks of the shift; you can add new lunches and breaks, edit or delete existing ones. For adding new lunch or break click the Add button.


Add or Edit Lunches or Breaks Image 1


At first choose the type, either it is lunch or break, then enter duration in minutes. If lunch or break should be paid, then enable Paid check box.


Add or Edit Lunches or Breaks Image 2


Apply Mode
Choose how the lunch or break will be applied. Choose Elapsed, if you want it to be automatically committed, or Punched if you want employees to Punch In and Out for the lunch or break, or Elapsed or Punched if you want either Elapsed or Punched modes to apply. In the last case, if the employee has punched for lunch or break, then no lunch or break will be automatically committed, but if employee hasn't, then it will be deducted automatically. (elapsed hours will show under unpaid without transactions)


Minimum Duration
Enter the minimum duration of the lunch or break for the cases when punched mode is applied. If the employee is outside for lunch or break less than the minimum duration, then the system won't consider it as a lunch or break. (Recommended Minimum Duration for lunch is 20 minutes and for a break 3 minutes)


Enter the amount of hours after which a lunch or break will be automatically deducted. Note that this field will be active only if Apply Mode is set to Elapsed or Elapsed or Punched. (elapsed hours will show under unpaid without transactions)


Select whether the elapsed time should be counted from the Shift Start time or actual Clock in time. Note that this field will be active only if Apply Mode is set to Elapsed or Elapsed or Punched.


Pay Outside
Pay Outside checkbox is intended for those cases when the employee was outside for lunch or break longer than the amount specified in the Duration field. Check this option if you want the time exceeding the maximum duration also to be paid. Note that this field is active only if Paid check box is selected. 


Deny Short Duration
Check this option if you want that short duration of lunch or break be denied. It means that after performing "Out for Lunch" and "Out for Break" punches from the device, employees wouldn't be able to perform any other action from the device until the lunch or break duration is over.
Take into consideration that this feature doesn't apply for all device types.

After all those steps click on ok button to save the lunch or break. And then OK to save added lunches/breaks in the shift.