The purpose of this guide is to detail how to send a prompt to an  Iris-100 device to enroll an employee onto the device using AMG Web Software.


To begin enrolling, go to Employees > Employees > Edit Employee (Click on the blue pencil for specific employee) > Accesses > Remote Enroll.







On the remote enrollment page, you will see options to choose your device for enrollment. It is important to make sure that the correct device is selected in this menu before you commence enrolling Finger/Face because it will allow whoever is at the machine to be enrolled under that employee's credentials.


Once the proper device is selected, click Enroll Finger / Enroll Face. The "Events" log will notify you of the progress of the remote enrollment so that you can coordinate with your employees.


Enrolling the face will simply require the employee to align their face with the camera.


Enrolling the fingers will require the respective finger to be selected, then the finger will need to be scanned three times by the device. The finger that the employee selects will be shown in the events log as a number.


After the employee has successfully enrolled, there will be an entry under the "Events" log with the timestamp.



To view the history of the remote enrollment, go to Devices > Configure Devices > Remote Enroll History.


For each remote enroll made, there will be a corresponding picture taken of the person who is enrolling themselves. You can see this by double clicking on each entry or by clicking on the icon on the leftmost column.