You will need to lookup your network's information such as default gateway and subnet mask if you are looking to assign a static IP address to your device. Otherwise you can use DHCP. Make sure your 100C is properly connected to your network. Then follow these steps:


1. Press and hold the M/OK button for few seconds. If the device displays Admin affirm along with padlock picture, then a device admin must place their finger.

2. Select Comm and press the M/OK Button. Select Network and press the M/OK button


Change Network Settings 100C (Web) Image 1
Change Network Settings 100C (Web) Image 2


3. If you have specific network information (including the IP address, Subnet mask, and Gateway*) then enter that here.

*Please consult with your IT department for this information.

4. Press the down arrow until the cursor moves into the option for DHCP. If you have specified the network information above use the left arrow button to turn DHCP to Off. If you do not have specific network information, turn DHCP to On.

5. Select the OK option on the screen and then press the M/Ok button.

6. Press Esc several times to exit the menu and return to the main screen.

7. Reboot your device by pressing and holding the power button (also the left arrow). Once the device is off tap the button again to turn the device back on.

8. If you used DHCP, go back into the device menu, into Comm and Network and write down the IP address that was assigned to the device to enter into your software.

9. Go to the menu and go to Comm, then go to Web Setup. Change the Web Server to IP Mode.

10. Enter the following information in the boxes:

 Change Network Settings 100C (Web) Image 3

11. Select the OK on the screen and press M/OK button on the device. You should see a message that says 'Change Saved Successfully.'


Then login to AMG and enter the device into the software.