You will need to lookup your network's information such as default gateway and subnet mask if you are looking to assign a static IP address to your device. Otherwise you can use DHCP. Make sure your 100C is properly connected to your network. Then follow these steps:

Steps for Connecting the AMG 100C:

  1. Access Admin Settings
    Press and hold the M/OK button for a few seconds. If the device displays an Admin Affirm message along with a padlock icon, an admin must place their finger on the scanner to authenticate.

  2. Navigate to Network Settings

    • Select Comm and press the M/OK button.
    • Choose Network and press the M/OK button again.
  3. Enable/Disable DHCP

    • Use the down arrow to navigate to the DHCP option.
    • Leave the setting as On.
  4. Save Changes
  5. Exit the Menu
  6. Set Web Server Mode

    • Go to the Comm menu and select Web Setup.
    • Change the Web Server option to IP Mode.
    • Input the following:
    • Turn off ProxyServer
    • Once all the details are entered, select OK on the screen, then press the M/OK button to confirm.
  7. Reboot the Device

    • Press and hold the power button (also the left arrow) to turn off the device.
    • Once the device is off, tap the button again to power it back on.

Then login to AMG and enter the device into the software.