An employee's status determines when they are active to have transactions and show in reports. Every employee must have at least one status. The status is found in the employee info under Employees - Employees. Edit an employee and on the first page, the bottom section is for the Status.


Employee Status (Web) Image 1


 You can Edit an existing status or click Add New Status. You will see the Add/Edit Status screen:


Employee Status (Web) Image 2


 NOTE: Make sure the status date for an active status is on the same day or before the employee's first transaction, or they may be missing data in their timecard.

Date - The start date of this status

Active - If the employee is active or inactive as of the selected date.

Working Time - If the employee is full/part time or per diem

Employment - Permanent or temporary

Pay Type Class - Exempt, Non-exempt, or Contract

Pay Policy - Select the pay policy for the employee. This wil include their pay period, holiday, and overtime rules. For more on pay policies, see this article

Reason - This is an explanation for the status, typically explaining why an employee was let go. Click the ... button to add more reasons.

Automatically assign scheduled hours - Checking this box will automatically generate time on the timecard for the employee. Typically this is only used for salaried employees.

You will typically only have at most two statuses for an employee - their first status as active and the date when they started. The second status of inactive and a date of when they stopped working. If you have seasonal workers, they may have several pairs of active/inactive. Inactive employees will not count towards your employee total for your license. They also will not show up in the employee list, timecard reports, payroll, and more, unless you change the Filter to show Any status or Inactive status.

If you want to add a status for a large group of employees, see the change status section of the bulk transactions article.