The Calendar feature in AMG lets you see a calendar of holidays, employee birthdays and work anniversaries, time off requests and approvals, and the number of employees scheduled. You can also approve/deny time off requests directly from this screen.

Access the screen from Attendance - Calendar.


Calendar Image 1


You can filter employees or calendar options at the top. Click the Refresh button to apply the filter. In the calendar you will see approved time off (green), birthdays (yellow), work anniversaries (blue), and pending requests (striped green). In the upper right for each day you will see SCH and then a number. This is the number of employees scheduled for that day (based on relevant filters, ie specific division, group, job/dept). 


You can click on a pending request to open a small window that allows you to add a comment, then approve or deny the request. Based on the notification settings, the employee will then be notified via email or mobile app.


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